If you have any specific questions about starting services with us, please do not hesitate to call us at (410) 685-2830.
  • Referral's Information

  • Potential Client Information

  • I hereby authorize Beacon of Hope to email me to coordinate services. This authorization includes confidential, clinical, and administrative information. I understand unencrypted email could be read by a third party. Beacon of Hope may use the e-mail address listed above. This informed consent goes into effect immediately and expires one year from this date or when I request it to end. Our administrative staff strives to respond in a timely manner to your inquiry. Please allow up to 48 hours or two business days for a response. Thank you.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you do not wish to use the above referral form, you may call us at (410) 685-2830